Yellowstone Airport Storage Auctions
If a tenant is delinquent more than 60 days their personal property contained in the leased space is subject to lien sale. Yellowstone Airport Storage uses to sell any delinquent spaces or any spaces that have been officially turned over to us by the property owner. All auction listings are posted at least 7 days prior to the sale. The tenant has up until the time the winning bidder pays us to pay their balance in full and keep their property. You can click the link below to view the auctions on the auction website. In order to bid, you will need to make an account with Below are the spaces (units) that are in our next auction. As we don't have many spaces that remain delinquent for more than 60 days, we usually only have an auction a couple times a year. Spaces that contain titled property may be towed instead of sold at auction. Please contact us if you have questions about how our auction process works or if you would like to know when our next storage auction will be held.
Yellowstone Airport Storage Notice of Lien Sale
Per MCA 70-6-601 thru 609, the following leased spaces will be sold to the highest bidder at 12:00 PM on March 20, 2025:
- Baker, Damon - 10x10 - speaker, bed frame, totes, furniture, drill press, glow light power supply
The following spaces will be sold to the highest bidder at 12:00 PM on
Bidding will take place at Bidding will be open at least 7 days prior to sale date/time. See auction site for details, pictures, and unit locations. If you have any questions, please give us a call! 406-284-8638
Direct link to units at this facility: Click Here